Expanding play for everyone, everywhere, all at once.
Welcome to the Highest Version of Yourself with Lasting Inner Peace!
"Knock Knock, Who's There?" Spiritual Beach Retreat
Nov. 2-6, Northern Florida Gulf Coast

It doesn't really matter:
how many books you've read or
gurus you've followed or
whether you do yoga or
how long your meditation time is (or whether you meditate at all)...
all it takes is learning to navigate your own levels of consciousness and LIVING from these higher levels of empowered consciousness and EVERYTHING changes!
This retreat is for those who desire and are ready for the highest levels of experiencing this world in true, peace and unconditional love consistently.
We will go deep and you will BE in a WHOLE NEW DELICIOUS WAY (Woot!).

Release anxieties, stresses and pressures FOR GOOD
Finally LIVE the principles you've been studying to consistently experience inner peace (yes, that's a real thing but you have to be truly CONSCIOUS)
- Enjoy access to internal guidance and deep universal truths to keep yourself at highest levels of consciousness EVERY DAY
Explore mystical light and frequency technologies, treatments and meditations for incredible experiences and a full on adjustment of the essence of your being
Melt into delicious pampering of people who will listen to you and help you specifically while providing beautiful bodywork treatments, the most comforting, nutritious meals, plenty of beach time to be baptized into the higher levels of you while you...
The brilliance of the knock knock joke...
A knock knock joke is a simple way to have a light hearted laugh. The joke doesn't have much effect though if nobody answers the door to find out "Who's there?". We will ascend to that door in our full awakening and see the masterpiece and creative joy life has to offer. ​
You've never experienced life like this- unbelievable visions, pure love and laughter and even learning how to channel your own guidance/the Holy Spirit/etc. all while having so much fun, completely changing how you interact with the world and how you feel inside about yourself and your life which leads to REAL CHANGE AND TRANSFORMATION!
You will deepen your faith in whatever it is you have faith in whether that is God or the Quantum Universe- the words don't matter. This world is alive with a consciousness of which YOU ARE A PART and you will feel and KNOW that.

Actual retreat participant feeling IT at one of our NC retreats! Don't you want to feel like this?!
Your Investment WITHIN Yourself Includes:
5 day, 4 night stay on the beautiful Florida Golf Coast beaches, Nov. 2-6, 2024
Proven, lasting techniques (unlike anything else) to quickly and easily help you understand your own levels of consciousness and live a multi-dimensional life where you are in charge of your experience
Intimate group discussions and PRACTICE of the most advanced spiritual concepts regarding this quantum Universe/God, your connection to it and how you can navigate, interact and create WITH it in grace and joy (this is different than most ANYTHING else you have learned and is SURE to take you leaps and bounds ahead of yourself!!)
Sessions with the latest in technology and treatments including enjoying personalized Tesla and Rife frequencies with our BioCharger, NASA developed light technology services with our AuraGen Light System and Biomat healing sessions along with an Eastern Ashiatsu treatment to release physical AND EMOTIONAL blocks (YUM!)- these treatments will reset your entire frequency!
New, unique (not boring!) meditations that FEEL amazing and that will ACTIVATE you are you carry your elevated state into your waking consciousness
Development of your ability to hear and easily follow your own inner guidance (you DO have tangible guidance/channeling abilities) and further your intuition
Instruction and PLAYING with such fun spiritual parlor tricks as reality transurfing, astral travel, healing, mediumship and channeling (we can teach you all of this easily- one guest on our last retreat became a full on medium during her stay!
One-on-one attention for your specific situation with personal coaching attention to assist you directly, if desired
Fresh, DELICIOUS and healthy meals and snacks prepared with love by your own on-site personal chef team (all diets supported)
Your choice of luxury single, double or group bunking rooms with private or shared bath
Daily optional activities and fun including: yoga/stretching, qi gong and other movement activities, meditations, beach and pool time, movie nights with popcorn and fun spiritual discussions, group games and more
Plenty of alone time to enjoy the beach, journal or have some down time for rest
Beautiful, lasting friendships and full-time support resources for continuing your exploration post-retreat​
Imagine yourself in these luxurious digs and surroundings!
(This is a taste of what is to come, actual facility may vary)

How Much is it Worth to Change Your Life Experience FOR REAL THIS TIME?

It's Worth More Than This Much:
Investment includes retreat, accommodations, private coaching, unlimited frequency and light treatments, private chef team, supplies, movement classes and a special emotional and physical release bodywork experience.
Investment does not include transportation to the event but we work with you to pair you with others to share in ride costs (non-refundable payment plans are available after initial $500 deposit- let's get you there DON'T LET MONEY BE THE REASON YOU DON'T RECEIVE THIS TRANSFORMATION- CONTACT US TO WORK TOGETHER!!)
Scholarships and discounts may be available- don't hesitate to ask if needed!
Private Super Luxury Rooms
Single Occupancy: $3,399
Double Occupancy (pp): $2,799
Private Luxury Rooms
Single Occupancy: $2,999
Double Occupancy (pp): $2,499
Shared Rooms
(private bed)
(option for shared bed with 3+ guests in double room for only $2,299)
Multi-Bunk Rooms
(private bed in upscale and spacious group lodging area)
She walks the walk and is beyond dedicated to your full experience...

Meet Leah
Leah went from being a highly awarded academic, high level attorney at the world's most prestigious law firm to craving death in a dark night of the soul to living with monks, having unbelievable mystical experiences by the hundreds and studying with the world's most prominent quantum physicists. What a trip!
Leah is approachable and practical in her teaching style allowing her to reach you where you are so you truly "get it" and can apply the deepest principles for REAL change. She has an uncanny ability to bring humor to most any situation causing roaring laughter wherever she goes. You will DEFINITELY have a great time!
Leah has a DEEP yearning to walk together with you wherever you are. Her mission is to bring everyone she is fortunate enough to encounter in this way to their own connection and inner knowing as they pass it all on.
Leah will not be your guru or teacher but instead guide you on how YOU have every ability you could desire and once you connect to that yourself, you will need nothing else and will have a consistent underlying joy that makes this life the magical wonderland of awe it was meant to be.
Leah has been guiding people by the hundreds for the last ten years. Trust us, you will be changed when working with her!
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Don't just take our word for it. Check out the feedback from previous attendees and class participants:

You are ready- SAY YES FOR YOURSELF!
Take the leap of faith and commit to yourself now! Submit your reservation to attend our "Knock, Knock, Who's There?" Retreat here:

We have a slew of frequently asked questions that may give you an idea of what your experience will entail so please take a click below or shoot us an email and we are happy to offer more detail. We specialize in assisting people of ALL backgrounds and belief systems from strong or no religious beliefs to friends with past traumas to people who just feel bored and stagnant and long for a deep connection to all of life and its mysteries. These teachings and methods can help EVERYONE and we have a way to reach you if you are open. Wherever you are, we will meet you there!

Submit Your Reservation Request or Questions Here Now!
Not everybody is ready for a retreat like this so we are happy to provide a quick 15 minute chat to see where you are, what current roadblocks you might be facing and how you can cross this incredible bridge. If you know you're ready, let us know in the comments and we will get you confirmed. One of our friendly event coordinators will be in touch with you within 24 hours. We look forward to chatting with you soon!

Even more testimonials!

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